Brand : Revin Bikes is an new emerging brand.The brand focuses on manufacturing affordable bicycles in india. The brand sepecalizes in mountain bike and is been selling its products across india since 2017. Revin is entering into hybrid segment with its Fixie. All the Bikes from revin Bikes comes with Lifetime frame warranty. We at bikecart got a chance to review Fixie from revin bikes and here is what we think about it.
Frame and Fork :
Revin Fixie is built on revin's proprietary carbon steel frame. The Bike itself is quite light weigh.The frame size on revin fixie is 18.5 inches making it a Medium size bicycle, ideal for rider height ranging from 5.0 feet to 5.6 feet, although we feel a little bigger size frame could have made this bike fit a bigger demographics. The fork on fixie is a Steel tappered fork giving the bike a very good character.
Handle and Tires:

Drivetrain :

Expert opionon:
Revin fixie is a sleek and splended bicycle you will fall in love with instantly. the simple and elegant design paired with bright Alloy Rims makes the bike look apart.The bicycle is very light weight despite being a steel frame bicycle. The compass tires and the Drive train makes the bicycle very smooth on road which you would love to ride .If you are looking to get your hands on a simple yet a little different machine which will meke you nostalic at an affordable price you should definatley consider Revin Bike Fixie.